Know Thyselves

You’re out for a long run. The pace feels good, the weather is perfect, and you’ve found that clarity of mind that comes with focusing solely on your exertion and moving dynamically through space. Life is GOOD! You love this shit! The endorphins are popping and you feel positively brimming with good will and happiness. You pause to cross a road and glance to check your total run time – but you didn’t start your watch!

In this article Heather Wurtele explores the quirks of memory versus reality and how you can use the mind to improve your training experiences.

Safe Winter Running Adventures

It’s winter. The weather is cold, grey, wet and windy and it’s dark by 4pm. Fell running at this time of year just isn’t much fun!
However, what about those blue sky days where the air is cold and crisp? What about those days after it has snowed and the weather has calmed down but it is still cold enough that the snow hasn’t turned to slush? What about those dark nights under a big moon and the lights of the nearest village twinkling in the distance – those are great days to be out on the hills!
In this post Dave Taylor (Fell Running Guide) shares some of his top tips for getting out in the winter weather safely.